4/26/2023 0 Comments 5 Tips to Calm Stress Levels NowWe are expected to be able to do a million things in a week. There is not enough time in our days to get everything done. We are literally spinning in to do lists and losing out on the ability to calm down, focus, and enjoy precious moments. We can stop this chaos though. YOU have the ability within to do this. Try these FIVE Tips to destress ASAP - 1. JOURNAL - When the days get crazy and you lose complete sight of your goals, try to regain your focus and clarity by writing things down. Garb a pen and start writing your worries, to do list items, dreams, goals, or anything else on your mind in that moment. Get it out of you head and on paper so you can clear mental clutter. 2. CREATE A SCHEDULE - Write down exactly what you HAVE to do in that very moment, the next hour, and so forth for the rest of the day. Gain even more clarity by continuing to write down your MUST DO's for the next day as well. Write anything you would "like" to do if you have time on a separate sticky note. This allows your mind to be very clear on what NEEDS to get done so you can stay focused. I also want you to add thirty minutes in between each task on your calendar so you have self care time, catch up time, or extra time if you kiddos need you. You will be way more likely to stay on schedule by devoting this extra time to YOURSELF. 3. GET GROUNDED - Look around you and notice three solid objects that are very grounded (they are not moving). Now plant your feet in the ground and feel grounded too. Tell yourself you are just like a tree. You are rooted, strong, and can sway gracefully with the winds. You have the ability to control your mind and control your reactions. You have the ability to allow yourself to stop, breathe, and relax. 4. BREATHE - By now you have cleared the mental clutter by writing it all down. You know exactly what needs to get done today. You have stopped to ground yourself. Now you just need to continue to know that it is okay to take a "me" break. It is okay to take five, ten, or even thirty minutes to focus on deep breathing and calming tense muscles. You can allow your body and mind to stop spinning because it is okay to do this. The high stress response and tension you are feeling is your body telling you that you NEED to be doing this. You need this time. 5. LAUGH IT OUT or HUG IT OUT - Better yet, do both! Find someone you absolutely love and give them a big hug for at least twenty seconds or... find that one person in your life that makes you gut laugh like crazy! Where are they? Maybe it is multiple! Give them a call or a visit and tell them you just need a good laugh! Hugs and laughter are calming and fulfilling. You can never have enough of either! If you are ready to learn how to promote calm, relaxation, focus, and clarity with aromatherapy and herbal products, then click below to Book Your Call! There are so many natural options that can support your emotional wellbeing and help you keep stress levels at bay! You can stop the chaos, tension, sleeplessness, anxiety, exhaustion, and over reacting. You just have to be ready to learn how. You Got THIS! 🤍 Jamie
Hey there! Before you jump in! If you LOVE getting FREE health & wellness tips? I would love to invite you to join my health and wellness loving community who absolutely love getting weekly tips and ideas that promote better and more natural health and wellness for Mom and Child. Click Here to Sign Up!
Sometimes we look at our kiddos and think "wow, it must be nice to be a kid", but the reality is, kiddos of all ages have worries, stressors, and can get anxiety just like adults.
There are many other reasons kiddos can be stuck lying awake at night too. Let's explore some of the reasons your child may not be sleeping so well -
This list could go on, but I think you have a great start to assess what a few causes may be to make positive change. Some of those positive changes could be -
"Is there more you ask?" YES! Of course there is! If you have more questions or want to explore natural products, options, and therapies... Book a Call TODAY so we can get your child sleeping better as soon as possible! P.S. When your child sleeps better, so will YOU!
4/10/2023 0 Comments Simple Wellness SolutionsWhen you are feeling overwhelmed, unable to focus, a lack of motivation, decreased energy, and run down, you may not realize that this can also be tied to not getting enough nutrients your body needs, not sleeping well, not having time to find clarity, and so forth.
Finding the root cause is always key to healing, however, what if you don't fully understand the how the body works and how different products and therapies work within the body to promote healing? That sentence sounds complex! I understand how hard it can be to connect the dots and after years of working with patients in the medical field and with students and clients teaching natural health and wellness. I also fully understand that connecting the dots and finding out how to fix symptoms can be very hard to understand! That is why people like me do what we do - to help YOU and YOUR FAMILY get to optimal health and wellness. To help others learn how easy it can be. To help you understand and have clarity. To help guide you and answer your questions so you don't feel stuck. We are experts in our own fields. There is not one single human who can be an expert in it all (every aspect of the body), which is why we all have our own areas we excel in to benefit... YOU. One of mine happens to be that ability to make understanding the body and how natural remedies, products, and therapies work to heal the body - SIMPLE. I SIMPLIFY health and wellness steps personalized to each client and their own needs (for MOM and CHILDREN). If you are at a starting point and really want to be able to increase your health and wellness in areas like -
and SIMPLE natural remedies in between, then keep reading. Yes, I can get really complex with my teaching, but for this blog, we are sticking with SIMPLE. And here it is - You can have everything above - SLEEP, MOTIVATION, ENERGY, IMMUNITY, FOCUS, CLARITY, AND EMOTIONAL BALANCE. You can work on ALL of these things at one time! Crazy right! Yes, I just said that! You can work on a few simple things and make a few simple changes and take steps toward improving ALL of those issues at once. You don't need a remedy, product, or therapy for each individual area. You don't need to spend a ton on money and time trying to work on each individual area. You need to learn how all the dots are connected and the best place to start so you can work on all the areas together. You need UNDERSTANDING of what your (or your child's) body is telling you it needs. You need OPTIONS to explore. You need easy to understand EDUCATION for those options and how they work to improve health and wellness. You need SIMPLE steps to guide you. Now doesn't that sound EASY? I created something for you. It includes SIMPLE, QUICK, and EFFICIENT problem solving, education, and inspiration to move you forward on your health and wellness journey. I created this just for you and it will be on the web in the very near future! Who will get the first sneak peek and limited time offer? The wonderful wellness loving members in my email community! Subscribe below to be the first to know so you can get on your way to sleeping better, feeling energized, being productive, and have motivation to keep going! In the mean time I want you to take a weekly journal and
Once you start journaling, there may be some very clear AHA moments. You may be able to see a SIMPLE and CLEAR fix to start working on ASAP. You may also have questions that pop in your mind as well. Please send your questions my way. Don't feel like your stuck in quick sand. Even if you think your question is SILLY, send it! Don't let you mind tell you it's not worthy of asking, because it IS! Don't forget to sign up for weekly wellness tips so can be the first to know! In health and wellness, Jamie :) |
Did you find the information helpful? Show your LOVE & appreciation with a coffee tip so Jamie can continue to deliver more! :)AuthorJamie Michaels, Natural Wellness Educator & Founder of Children's Wellness Tree Archives
November 2024
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© Copyright 2022-2024, Children's Wellness Tree, LLC
Disclaimer: All information shared on this website and all social outlets is for educational and informational purposes only. The content shared is not to replace a visit with your medical provider. The wellness information shared does not make any medical claims. Always check all precautions of all natural wellness products including essential oils, herbs, and carrier oils, before using. Always consult with your health care provider before starting to use a new natural wellness product or therapy. Always take extra precautions with babies, children, and those with certain medical conditions. It is up to each individual to check precautions specific to their own health profile or their child's. It is also up to each individual to take responsibility to check for any future updates to those precautions or information on this website or social outlets. This is not medical advice.
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