It can be just as hard on Mom as it is for the child who doesn't feel well, especially if the child has recurring illnesses.
In the modern chaotic lifestyle we are lead to follow, it can be easy to forget simple daily self care time for Mom and child. This is one HUGE factor in why a child can get sick often. As a Mom, I know how easy it is to get super busy and not have time to pay attention to every little detail of health and wellness. So below are just some great reminders! Do the best you can to keep an eye out and make time for these things or even make a few simple changes, and you may just see your child getting sick less often. Here are a few reminders or possible reasons your child may get sick often - 1. Your schedule is too busy for Self Care Time (as mentioned... but it is ONE to REMEMBER). Be sure you are taking time to allow your child to get out in nature, relax their mind, explore, stretch, take extra steps to nourish their skin, be sure they are getting in enough exercise and active play to exercise their lungs, eating healthy and well, etc. 2. Your child isn't properly hydrated, therefore their body is not able to detox as it should. This can lead to things like headaches, constipation, and fatigue. It helps to have a water bottle on hand daily and a diet full of fresh fruits and veggies. 3. Your child isn't getting enough sleep on a regular schedule. Their body needs this time every evening to build immunity, grow, relax, reset, and recharge. There are a lot of biological factors that happen while we sleep. It's is super simple to create a solid sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible. In fact, when your child is on a sleep schedule, they are more likely to want to go to bed on time because they actually LIKE feeling well and LIKE having a schedule. 4. Your child isn't getting proper nutrition. Look at your child's daily meals and snacks. Are they getting healthy protein sources, healthy fats, colorful fruits and veggies, and nut and seeds? Every time your child is eating overly processed foods like fast foods or all the junk in the middle aisles at the grocery store (you know, those things that don't even mold after a week!), your child is missing out on valuable nutrients that build their immune system like vitamins, nutrients, minerals, omega's, and more. Meal and snack planning ahead of time can help prevent your child from snacking on the less healthy items throughout the week. 5. An abundance of sugar and artificial colors and dyes could absolutely be effecting your child's immune system. Does sugar and artificial dye actually make you sick? Well, they are both known to cause stomach upset meaning that there will most likely be inflammation in the gut (this is where most of our immunity comes from) which can prevent the stomach from absorbing nutrients and emptying waste properly. Try to offer a healthier option first so your child is full before indulging in a sweet and try to find natural food coloring option like fruit and vegetable powders. 6. Your child isn't dressed appropriately dressed for the weather. Laundry isn't fun, but if kids are out in the cold with no coat, cool air blowing on their chest (and over their lungs), and they are wet on top of it... there is a great chance their immune system is going to have to work harder to keep up. This means they may be more prone to getting sick. 7. Your child is sharing drinks and food with you or others. It is hard when your child always wants to share, but if you have a virus without apparent symptoms... yet... you are sharing the illness with your child and vice versa. Daycare germs are the worst too! This is a great time to stop sharing and let both of your immune systems keep up! It is okay to ask grandparents and friends not to share and teach your kiddos about germs too. If they do not like feeling ill, they will understand and be more cautious of sharing. You can also do them a huge favor and teach them how to properly drink out of a bubbler or better yet, send them every day with a water bottle of their own so all the kiddos in the class aren't all swapping germs while trying to hydrate. 8. Your child isn't washing their hands. Get them in the habit of this and have them use soap. There are illnesses out there that hand sanitizer does not kill, like the dreaded Norovirus. No one wants the stomach flu! Have you kiddos wash their hands as soon as they get home from sports, play dates, school, and don't be afraid to ask their friends to do the same if they are with you. 9. Your child bites their nails. Now don't laugh but every time I see my son bite his nails I tell him to think about the last kid he saw that was picking his nose and imagine he is just eating those same boogers with him! So gross! Kids bite their nails because they are bored, worried, unsure of their surroundings or situation, or nervous. Try to find the root cause and promote the nail biting to stop by offering a fun play day if they kick the habit. 10. Your child has allergy or sinus symptoms. When our sinuses are draining, full, and inflamed, we are more prone to illness. This can happen because the inflammation lowers the bodies ability to fight off germs as well or because the overly draining or full sinuses can lead to additional symptoms or an additional type of illness like an ear infection, sore throat, or chest congestion. All of which can continue to lead to more symptoms or another illness. You can do natural things, use natural products, and take your child to have natural therapies to help alleviate sinus symptoms before worse symptoms take over. Natural Allergy and Sinus Symptom Relief is a great topic to learn! Click here to learn how to work with me! There are possible reasons your child could be getting sick more often, but I think you have a great start to reviewing what changes you could possibly make to help them boost their immunity! If you really want to tackle these and learn a personalized natural approach to helping your child prevent getting sick, Click Here to Book A Call Today! Your child will feel better more often and THANK YOU! :)
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4/26/2023 0 Comments 5 Tips to Calm Stress Levels NowWe are expected to be able to do a million things in a week. There is not enough time in our days to get everything done. We are literally spinning in to do lists and losing out on the ability to calm down, focus, and enjoy precious moments. We can stop this chaos though. YOU have the ability within to do this. Try these FIVE Tips to destress ASAP - 1. JOURNAL - When the days get crazy and you lose complete sight of your goals, try to regain your focus and clarity by writing things down. Garb a pen and start writing your worries, to do list items, dreams, goals, or anything else on your mind in that moment. Get it out of you head and on paper so you can clear mental clutter. 2. CREATE A SCHEDULE - Write down exactly what you HAVE to do in that very moment, the next hour, and so forth for the rest of the day. Gain even more clarity by continuing to write down your MUST DO's for the next day as well. Write anything you would "like" to do if you have time on a separate sticky note. This allows your mind to be very clear on what NEEDS to get done so you can stay focused. I also want you to add thirty minutes in between each task on your calendar so you have self care time, catch up time, or extra time if you kiddos need you. You will be way more likely to stay on schedule by devoting this extra time to YOURSELF. 3. GET GROUNDED - Look around you and notice three solid objects that are very grounded (they are not moving). Now plant your feet in the ground and feel grounded too. Tell yourself you are just like a tree. You are rooted, strong, and can sway gracefully with the winds. You have the ability to control your mind and control your reactions. You have the ability to allow yourself to stop, breathe, and relax. 4. BREATHE - By now you have cleared the mental clutter by writing it all down. You know exactly what needs to get done today. You have stopped to ground yourself. Now you just need to continue to know that it is okay to take a "me" break. It is okay to take five, ten, or even thirty minutes to focus on deep breathing and calming tense muscles. You can allow your body and mind to stop spinning because it is okay to do this. The high stress response and tension you are feeling is your body telling you that you NEED to be doing this. You need this time. 5. LAUGH IT OUT or HUG IT OUT - Better yet, do both! Find someone you absolutely love and give them a big hug for at least twenty seconds or... find that one person in your life that makes you gut laugh like crazy! Where are they? Maybe it is multiple! Give them a call or a visit and tell them you just need a good laugh! Hugs and laughter are calming and fulfilling. You can never have enough of either! If you are ready to learn how to promote calm, relaxation, focus, and clarity with aromatherapy and herbal products, then click below to Book Your Call! There are so many natural options that can support your emotional wellbeing and help you keep stress levels at bay! You can stop the chaos, tension, sleeplessness, anxiety, exhaustion, and over reacting. You just have to be ready to learn how. You Got THIS! 🤍 Jamie
Hey there! Before you jump in! If you LOVE getting FREE health & wellness tips? I would love to invite you to join my health and wellness loving community who absolutely love getting weekly tips and ideas that promote better and more natural health and wellness for Mom and Child. Click Here to Sign Up!
Sometimes we look at our kiddos and think "wow, it must be nice to be a kid", but the reality is, kiddos of all ages have worries, stressors, and can get anxiety just like adults.
There are many other reasons kiddos can be stuck lying awake at night too. Let's explore some of the reasons your child may not be sleeping so well -
This list could go on, but I think you have a great start to assess what a few causes may be to make positive change. Some of those positive changes could be -
"Is there more you ask?" YES! Of course there is! If you have more questions or want to explore natural products, options, and therapies... Book a Call TODAY so we can get your child sleeping better as soon as possible! P.S. When your child sleeps better, so will YOU!
4/10/2023 0 Comments Simple Wellness SolutionsWhen you are feeling overwhelmed, unable to focus, a lack of motivation, decreased energy, and run down, you may not realize that this can also be tied to not getting enough nutrients your body needs, not sleeping well, not having time to find clarity, and so forth.
Finding the root cause is always key to healing, however, what if you don't fully understand the how the body works and how different products and therapies work within the body to promote healing? That sentence sounds complex! I understand how hard it can be to connect the dots and after years of working with patients in the medical field and with students and clients teaching natural health and wellness. I also fully understand that connecting the dots and finding out how to fix symptoms can be very hard to understand! That is why people like me do what we do - to help YOU and YOUR FAMILY get to optimal health and wellness. To help others learn how easy it can be. To help you understand and have clarity. To help guide you and answer your questions so you don't feel stuck. We are experts in our own fields. There is not one single human who can be an expert in it all (every aspect of the body), which is why we all have our own areas we excel in to benefit... YOU. One of mine happens to be that ability to make understanding the body and how natural remedies, products, and therapies work to heal the body - SIMPLE. I SIMPLIFY health and wellness steps personalized to each client and their own needs (for MOM and CHILDREN). If you are at a starting point and really want to be able to increase your health and wellness in areas like -
and SIMPLE natural remedies in between, then keep reading. Yes, I can get really complex with my teaching, but for this blog, we are sticking with SIMPLE. And here it is - You can have everything above - SLEEP, MOTIVATION, ENERGY, IMMUNITY, FOCUS, CLARITY, AND EMOTIONAL BALANCE. You can work on ALL of these things at one time! Crazy right! Yes, I just said that! You can work on a few simple things and make a few simple changes and take steps toward improving ALL of those issues at once. You don't need a remedy, product, or therapy for each individual area. You don't need to spend a ton on money and time trying to work on each individual area. You need to learn how all the dots are connected and the best place to start so you can work on all the areas together. You need UNDERSTANDING of what your (or your child's) body is telling you it needs. You need OPTIONS to explore. You need easy to understand EDUCATION for those options and how they work to improve health and wellness. You need SIMPLE steps to guide you. Now doesn't that sound EASY? I created something for you. It includes SIMPLE, QUICK, and EFFICIENT problem solving, education, and inspiration to move you forward on your health and wellness journey. I created this just for you and it will be on the web in the very near future! Who will get the first sneak peek and limited time offer? The wonderful wellness loving members in my email community! Subscribe below to be the first to know so you can get on your way to sleeping better, feeling energized, being productive, and have motivation to keep going! In the mean time I want you to take a weekly journal and
Once you start journaling, there may be some very clear AHA moments. You may be able to see a SIMPLE and CLEAR fix to start working on ASAP. You may also have questions that pop in your mind as well. Please send your questions my way. Don't feel like your stuck in quick sand. Even if you think your question is SILLY, send it! Don't let you mind tell you it's not worthy of asking, because it IS! Don't forget to sign up for weekly wellness tips so can be the first to know! In health and wellness, Jamie :)
Do you ever feel exhausted and lost trying to figure out what else you could be doing to support you child's emotions?
Every child has different triggers that can make emotions tilt off the tracks, and sometimes, we can call it a roller coaster of emotions that wave through and go through the phases. But what as parents can we actually do to support this? I am a Mom too and I know how difficult this is. I have felt exhausted and lost. I have lost sleep at night trying to think of other ways I could have done things differently or things I can try or do next time. Here is a good thing to remember when you are feeling alone and lost in the tornado of what if's - "Just because your child had an emotional moment and you could't solve or calm the problem or emotion sooner, doesn't mean either of you did anything wrong." Don't beat yourself up about this. When the time is right, give long hugs and talk about how emotions can sneak up on all of us, no matter what age we are, and then teach or remind them about coping tools they can use for next time. More food for thought... remind them that emotions don't go away and certain triggers may not go away either. This does't need to feel like doom every time. Focus on how to help prepare the child for the next time this may happen and again, teach coping tools to use to have a better reaction. There are a few things that we can do that will really help our children maintain more balanced emotions -
We can offer our kiddos support in soooo many ways, we just have to do it. I also want to add this in, sometimes when we are used to conventional medicine we seem to want to instantly think about "diagnoses". Google searches can cause nightmares... I know you KNOW what I am talking about. So what if you started by asking yourself these questions -
Here are more resources you may like - Morning Tasks to Boost Kids Positivity Tips to Overcome Overwhelm Five Day Wellness Challenge Essential Oils for Anxiety Creating Balance If you are ready to gain your valuable energy, sleep, focus, and time back by learning coping tools to stay emotionally balanced for you and your child, book a call today to get started!
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Does the thought of starting a wellness routine make you cringe?
Is it exhausting just thinking about trying to squeeze one more thing in your schedule? I know it sounds like so much, but I promise with a little practice and starting with baby steps, you can grow into a wellness routine in no time. Check out this five day wellness challenge that is completely doable for you and your kiddo! But before you get started reviewing the days, here is how this challenge plays out. On the first week of starting the challenge, it is okay to do the one task that is listed on that day. However, moving into the following week after you have tried each activity, I want you to have a plan to do as many as these as possible or all each day for 5 days! I know it sounds like a lot, but that is why you can do a practice week just to assess how much time it may take you to do the activity and any adjustments in your schedule you may need to make. You can do the activities alone with a separate time slot for you and another for your child, or complete the activity together. As you are going though the list, I also want to note that if there is something you absolutely would not consider doing, think about what would be a great alternative. I will add a few alternative ideas below as well for you. So let's start a wellness routine! Day 1 - Take two daily breaks for self care time. This time slot must be at least ten to fifteen minutes long each. During this time you can choose to read a book, do a hand or foot scrub, put on face mask, spend time outdoors, go for a walk, stretch, do sound therapy, or any other activity that you can do in the time frame you took out that makes you feel relaxed. Day 2 - Meditate or get in a good yoga or stretch session. This time frame should be longer than fifteen minutes. This is different than your two shorter breaks that help you to recoup your thoughts or rest your mind during your busy day. This time is to really allow yourself time to focus on clearing your mind or stretching the body and getting your circulatory and lymphatic systems flowing more freely. This time should be with a goal in mind to increase physical and or mental wellness. Day 3 - Journal your worries, dreams, & daily goals. Give yourself at least ten minutes to journal. If you do not like to journal than write down a few goals and dreams you have (short term or long term). Hang them up where you can see them every day. Day 4 - Spend time in nature. Give yourself at least fifteen minutes to be nature, looking into nature, spending time outdoors or by the window, gardening, planting, caring for household plants, or simply sitting under a tree or at a park bench. But here is the kicker... pay attention to what you are actually seeing. Look at the dynamic of the trees and flowers. Notice the moon and stars. Watch the sunrise or sunset. Let you mind get lost in nature and feel free and grounded with earth. This is extremely helpful to promote calm or prevent anxiety. Day 5 - Walk, swim, or workout. Pick up the pace! Can you do thirty minutes? If not, at least fifteen minutes would be great. Increase your energy levels and burn excessive built up negative energy. Let's break this down and see what this could look like in a real busy Mom's day! I will use myself for the example and tell you exactly what I would be putting in my calendar. * I will get up thirty minutes every day and have coffee before the kids wake, check for urgent emails, and check my calendar to plan my day accordingly to everyone's schedules, my work schedule, and my wellness routine. I will note the exact times I can get my activities in. * I will give myself thirty minutes before bed to review my day and look ahead at tomorrow. Then I will sneak in a few minutes of a hallmark movie. I will go to bed on time so I can wake on time so I do not want to snooze. * Every day I will stretch in the morning and in the evening. *. Everyday I will write down thoughts, goals, dreams, worries, or new wellness areas I would like to try that could help me achieve some of my goals. I will hang my notes up so everyday when I am feeling lost on what to do, I will be reminded of what I could be doing and why. * I will be sure to allow myself time to take care of my skin every morning and night because that is important to me. * I will be sure to go outside on nice days with the kids and play, go for a walk, go on an adventure, tend to the garden, etc. * I will be sure to do cardio at least three times a week to rid excessive energy that does not serve me in healthful way. The other two days I will go for a walk outside or walk on the treadmill while listening to a podcast or watching a webinar that promotes education or happiness. What did I take out of my day your ask? I took out watching TV. The morning news made me anxious so I quit watching it years ago. I check the weather on my weather app instead. I took out cleaning time. I know, I know... this is a hard one! But here is the thing, I just simply got sick of doing squats while picking up trying to two things at once. It didn't work that well and no matter how many things I picked up or how many squats I did, it wasn't the same relaxing feeling as if I would just accomplish one task at a time. Now I can get my workout in, feel more energized, and clean what needs to be cleaned and leave what can wait. I took time out trying to be super organized and have every cabinet perfected. These kids will only be young once and I will have A LOT of time when they are older to organize. Besides, cleaning and organizing with kids in the house is like trying to vacuum during a tornado! I started to say NO. This one is BIG! Are you living your life or someone else's dream? Are you doing things because you really want to and going to events or being places you really want to be or just doing it to be nice? I bet there are things in your day you would love to say NO to that are actually possible to say no to. Just take a peek at how much time you are spending doing things that cause you anxiety, stress, your children stress, and so forth. That's a wrap my friend. I believe in you and know that you can amp up your wellness routine for you and your sweet kiddo. Oh, and here a list of other wellness and self care ideas you could swap if you wanted for the challenge -
I would love to hear how it went! And if you love ideas like this or shorty challenges, then be sure to subscribe to my free wellness emails full of wellness tips and info... and be the first to know about an upcoming shortie wellness class that will be available soon!
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3/2/2023 0 Comments How to Naturally Boost Busy Mom's Energy: From Living an Exhausted Mom Life to Feeling Vibrantly Energized I was always super busy and always on the go before becoming a Mom. The busy after becoming a Mom and the stressors were all of a sudden completely different though. For instance, it is crazy how we can have a day planned out to a T but then have to add in forty-seven Mom call interruptions, bathroom runs, diaper changes, feeding breaks that are off the norm, clean ups in aisles 5, 7, & 9, and the list goes on! We become robotic in nature just trying to keep up. Our energy levels become depleted. Other sources that can literally be burning our energy without us knowing would be our physical, social, and mental functions. Our mind is running nonstop after having kiddos. There are more worries all around, the to do list changes each year as they age, and we need to find a new type of balance. The work/momlife balance. If we cannot take time to nurture ourselves and create this balance, we will continue to let our minds run 24/7, depleting our valuable energy levels. Physically if we have become robotic, we are already disconnected from the mind/body balance connection we need in order to sustain energy. Our bodies are not meant to run 24/7. Rest and sleep on a regular basis gives our body time to heal, nourish, and recover. And I am talking good rest. What is your sleep quality? Socially we can pulled in different directions by different people including our own family members. People pleasing and making others happy before our own happiness can deplete energy levels very quickly. Finding the courage to say "no" when something is going to cause a crinkle in your schedule is key. Finding the strength within to be able to stay strong when you do say "no" is also key. You will need to learn to stand your ground and only do what is right and functional for you and your family. After all, you are the leader right? Good leaders need energy to stay strong. How many things are you doing in a week that you don't actually even care to do? Or, how many things are you doing that cause you anxiety or that you just absolutely dread doing? Here is a BIG energy user --> Storing old emotions you don't care to deal with or were never taught to deal with. Emotions are stored in our organs... yes, I said organs. Our lungs are said to hold onto sadness and grief, our heart carries joy, the spleen stores worries, anger sits in the liver, and fear burrows in the kidneys. Have you ever noticed when your are sad your chest feels heavy? Interesting right? How would your body function if you pulled the emotions out of your organs? How do you think you would feel? I think most of us would maybe feel like pulling an elephant out of our stomach! At least that is how I felt after doing the framework I created to create balance and restore energy. The point is, we are letting our valuable energy get depleted every single day. It isn't easy to recognize this because we are too busy to take the time to do so or don't even think that this could be the first step in holding on to precious energy. The steps to get through this before even talking about natural ways to increase energy levels (I will save that for a different blog) are here - 1. Take an hour out of every day for the next two weeks to review your days, your mood, your energy levels, and note any patterns you see. 2. Once you see a pattern, find the root cause of why you are feeling depleted at that time. It could very well be you aren't exercising, hydrating, or eating healthy enough, but it could also very well be one of the above reasons as well. What is the real cause? 3. Now the hard work. How can you fix it? What can you do to resolve the issue causing the energy loss? Do you need to say "no" to something every single week to free up some "me" time. Do you need to create balance in your work/social/motherhood/wife life to function better on a day to day basis? Do you need to learn ways to forgive, heal, deal with, or move on from certain emotions? 4. What steps can you take to tackle the root cause? Do you need to have a massage every other week to help decrease stress? Do you need to take more time for yourself and your children to really be able to be in the moments and see what everyone is needing emotionally or to stay balanced? Could using aromatherapy, herbs, tinctures, flower essences, or other natural products help assist you with what you are going through during the process of healing, dealing, feeling, forgiving, etc.? Do you need someone to help guide you through your energy flows and help you to create a more balanced pattern? Do you need someone to teach the options of natural therapies and productrs that may work best for you and your children? Maybe you already know your root cause and are ready to explore natural options to start boosting your energy level asap. Natural therapies and products that can amp up your mood and motivation to get to that balanced place you want to be at more quickly? 5. The even harder part. JUST DO IT! Take the time and spend the money to have someone help you or get the massages you know would help you relax. Whatever you think may help, just do it! Because here is the thing -
That is NOT what you want. I know that. You got this! Just do the work and do what needs to be done to get you to a place of better balance. Your energy is valuable and is only YOURS. You only have so much of it. Cherish it and use it wisely. 💜 Jamie If this resonates with you and you are ready to take action - Sign Up Below for my 5 day Energy Elevation Course! 👇 Reviewed and Revised 1/2025
As a Mom of three I know there have been so many times I have felt anxious. It is such a terrible feeling. I honestly greatly dislike to feel anxious so I knew right away this was one battle I wanted to learn to win.
Essential oils were a huge part of this journey. But before I started using natural products, I needed to journal what my typical week looked like and when anxiety was sneaking up. I needed to assess the triggers. I needed to know time frames and exactly how long and what would help me to prevent having an anxiety attack in the first place, and what I could do to kick it. I created a framework to use and looked at it daily, then weekly, then biweekly and so forth. I updated it as needed. This helped me to stay focused and keep on track with my self care routine to prevent anxiety attacks. Hey, P.S. - I teach this exact framework to create balance! It can be used over and over again! You can book a call here to get started! I made sure I was doing all of the basics too, like staying hydrated, started a sleep schedule, started waking up an hour before the little's, amped up my diet, and went for walks and stretched more regularly. I then started to experiment with which essential oils I could use that were safe to use around the little's. Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis), Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), and Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) became my go to's. I found that if I diffused Lavender and Mandarin when I felt like things were getting a bit chaotic, I was able to create a calm and uplifting environment which preventing anxiety from sneaking up on me. I found that if I was already becoming anxious, using Lavender, Frankincense, and either citrus above helped my nervous system calm down faster. I found that I could use these oils prior to certain occasions or events, or even certain times of the day to help keep us all on a calmer and much more pleasant level! Win Win! This wasn't just working for me, it was helping my children stay emotionally balanced as well. I was creating a more peaceful, fun, happy, and relaxing environment for us. Now I am not saying that you have to use these exact oils, but I am sharing a few of my first favorites to promote calm, relaxation, and ease anxiety. You will have to do the research and check precautions of course! Especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or in regards to your child's age and health profile. So how did I use these oils... well there are many ways one can use them. Here are some suggestions that might work for you:
SO WHAT IF I DO NOT WANT TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS? No worries, here are a few quick tips:
We are all on a journey for better wellness. I hope this was helpful! Don't forget I send out weekly emails with tips every single week! Click HERE to get your tips so you can stay on track with your wellness! You got this! With much love! Jamie
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Have you ever heard about a new product, approach, or therapy and thought "hmmm... that might be for me. I am going to look into that"? You write it down in your calendar on a certain day that you plan to google all about it. You finally reach that day and have run out of time, but can still squeeze in a few minutes to just see what the hype is all about. Your google search tells you this approach to improve health and wellness is amazing! But then as you continue to search google... You start to see the negative reviews and the terrifying what if's or why this approach or product is actually terrible for you and not amazing for you. Which now leads you down a rabbit hole of searching for answers that you don't even have enough time to continue searching for. So you quit. That's it. Done. Too much. Overwhelming. I am out. Culver's it is! Haha! I have done this so many times!!!! Let me simplify this for you! DON'T GET CAUGHT IN A RABBIT HOLE. There are so many things that are known to be good for us that also get a bad rap. There are also so many people that have different opinions. Everybody is different so there is always going to be some good and some bad noted. At the end of the day I want you to keep this in mind. "Just do better tomorrow than you did today." That is it my sweet friend! Keep it simple. Don't get caught going down rabbit holes and researching different Google links. If you notice that keeps happening to you, reach out to professionals who can give you clear and simple answers. Always keep the mindset that you will do better tomorrow than you did today. You don't need to go and bake chicken with seven natural herbs and a side of ten different colored fruits and veggies. If you are currently eating plain chicken for supper, start tomorrow by adding one veggie and one fruit to the meal. Baby steps. If you are using a humidifier for you child and think you need a fancy diffuser with a huge kit of essentials oils because that is what the neighbor does, you don't. Plain and simple. Your humidifier is great and serves it purpose. If you are interested in diffusing essential oils, start with purchasing one child safe essential oil of your interest and add two drops to a bowl of steaming water. Then you can decide if you like the aroma, how you feel after inhaling the aroma, positive or negative effects it may have, and if buying a diffuser to go with this one essential oil will be for you. Do you see how simplifying makes things so much... simpler. If you research everything about diffusers and everything about each oil in a kit when you are new to using and diffusing essential oils, you will get overwhelmed and quit. You will have basically wasted all that time because now you won't want to even explore the option again. You can't start at the starting line knowing the basics expecting to finish with the fastest speed when you haven't learned the technique to get there. Baby steps is all you need. Keep working on the health and wellness of you and your child. Don't let things get complicated. I am rooting for you! To be honest, here is a great place to start. Start with this consistent routine -
Still have burning questions? No Problem! I Got You! Let's Save You Valuable Time, Energy, and Sleepless Nights! Limited Availability! Click Above to Get the Answers & Resources You Need so You Can Get Back to Spending Time With Your Sweet Kiddos! Have you ever been a situation that quickly shook your emotional balance? Did you look back and think "if only I had handled that differently"? There are so many times I have thought this! We are only human right? I am thankful for making time for self care every day so I can catch a view of perspective for times like these. I would think to myself... "How could I have handled it differently"? "What triggered me to react the way I did anyways"? "What did I learn from this"? "What can I do different next time"? "What can I do to prepare myself to handle my emotions better next time"? Yes! EMOTIONAL BALANCE... that is what we are after. The more balanced we can stay, the more we can teach our kids to be balanced. We can literally hand all sorts of coping tools to our children by modeling for them. So what can we do to prepare? Have a go to tool to use at the first sign you notice your emotions becoming unbalanced. This can be things like -
First breath... you breathe in slowly and breathe out slowly. Relax your shoulders. Second breath... as you breathe in say "I am safe. I am grounded. I will be okay." Third breath... blow out the negative feeling as far as your lungs will slowly send the air and as you breathe fresh air back in, SMILE and say I GOT THIS!" Healthy, Well, & Balanced Wishes for you and your sweet kiddos! 💌 Jamie
Did you find the information helpful? Show your LOVE & appreciation with a coffee tip so Jamie can continue to deliver more! :)AuthorJamie Michaels, Natural Wellness Educator & Founder of Children's Wellness Tree Archives
November 2024
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Disclaimer: All information shared on this website and all social outlets is for educational and informational purposes only. The content shared is not to replace a visit with your medical provider. The wellness information shared does not make any medical claims. Always check all precautions of all natural wellness products including essential oils, herbs, and carrier oils, before using. Always consult with your health care provider before starting to use a new natural wellness product or therapy. Always take extra precautions with babies, children, and those with certain medical conditions. It is up to each individual to check precautions specific to their own health profile or their child's. It is also up to each individual to take responsibility to check for any future updates to those precautions or information on this website or social outlets. This is not medical advice.
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